Grand Meeting 2016-12-05/06
The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program
Grand meeting 2, 2016 (Dec 5-6)
For the PhD students
A 10 minute (sharp) presentation with an update about your project/research. If you participated in the Grand Meeting in June 2016, include what your "Future plans" from that meeting included and to what extent you have met your plans.
For the PhD supervisors and advisors
Nothing to prepare
Practical notes
- The meeting will be at SciLifeLab Uppsala: BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, entrance C11, Navet (E10), ground floor (see map)
- All meals in the schedule are included for free, other meals are covered and organised by the participants.
- Travel and accomodation is payed and organised by the participants.
- There will be a 20-30 min walk down to the city for dinner on Monday, so bring appropriate clothing
- Phone number (Björn Nystedt) 073-4026231
Monday, Dec 5
Room: E10:1308/09
09:30-10.00 Registration, coffee and sandwiches
10.00-10.15 Welcome (Björn)
10.15-11.45 Project status. 10 min sharp by each PhD student.
11.45-13.00 Lunch
Room: Small rooms, see groups below
13.00-15.00 Project feedback sessions.
15.00-15.15 Coffee
15.15-16.15 Project feedback sessions.
16.15-17.30 Social event
17.45- Dinner
Tuesday, Dec 6
Room: E10:1308/09
09.00-09.15 Intro (Björn)
09.15-10.15 Mix-and-match: Personal consulting in pairs/mini-groups
10.15-10.45 Coffee
10.40-12.00 Inspirational talks
- 10X Chromium: Efficient phasing and assembly with Illumina bead-on-a-string reads. (Jessica Nordlund, NGI SciLifeLab)
- SweRef and SweFreq: A whole genome reference cohort for 1000 Swedes (Pall Olason, NBIS SciLifeLab)
- Spatial Transcriptomics: In situ global RNA profiling in plant and animal tissues (Stefania Giacomello, NBIS SciLifeLab)
12.00-13.00 Lunch
Room: E10:1308/09
13.00-13.45 Summary and diplomas
Suggested feedback groups, Mon 13.15-16.15
Year | PhD student | PI | Advisor | Topic | Species |
Group 1. E10:1202 | |||||
2015 | Guilherme Costa Baiao | Lisa Klasson | Wolbachia RNAseq, host speciation | Bacteria | |
2015 | Pascal Pucholt | Per Unneberg | Assembly, phasing, sex chromosome evolution | Plant | |
2016 | Marie-Line Faucillion | Thomas Källman | RNA stability, dosage compensation of X-chromosome | Fly, mammals (?) | |
2015 | Agnese Viluma | Tomas Bergström | Marcel Martin | MHC in horse | Horse |
Estelle Proux-Wéra | |||||
Group 2. E10:2314 | |||||
2016 | Gwenna Breton | Human population history | Human | ||
2015 | Joanna Hård | Åsa Björklund | Adipocyte origin, exome seq, scDNA | Human | |
2016 | Firoj Mahmud | Allison Churcher | Yersinia biofilm formation, RNA | Bacteria | |
2016 | Eva Sörenson | Moritz Buck | Phytoplankton-bacteria metagenomics | Phytoplankton/Bacteria | |
Rasmus Ågren (?) | |||||