Grand Meeting 2018-12-04/05
The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program
Grand meeting 2, 2018 (Dec 4-5)
Please register your participation in the google sheet below at the latest November 16! Choose tab "2017/2018" or "2018/2019":
Add ‘1' or ‘0’ at your name for each session column so that I can prepare groups and alike according to who is actually present when. (All text in the sheet is immediately saved, you don’t need to press any 'save' button). Please treat the registration as binding after November 16 as late changes will cause me substantial extra work.
PhD students:
Each PhD student will get a 1-hour feedback session on her/his project, in small groups (3 projects per group). Make sure that you bring material/slides/discussion points readily available for these small group discussions. Your material should be as clear and focused as possible; it is up to you to prepare well to make these meetings valuable! The groups are outlined here (might still be adjusted):
There will be an external projector/monitor available in all rooms. Whiteboards will also be available, but in some rooms it’s a bit suboptimal so that the projector projects at the whiteboard, so it is a bit tricky to use them at the same time.
PhD supervisors and advisors
You basically don’t need to prepare anything, but these meetings obviously rely on your presence and that you participate actively in the discussions and create a positive and encouraging atmosphere to support the PhD students, and creates valuable connections.
Practical notes
- The meeting will be at SciLifeLab Uppsala: BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, entrance C11, Navet (E10), ground floor (see map)
- All meals in the schedule are included for free, other meals are covered and organised by the participants.
- Travel and accomodation is payed and organised by the participants. Some hotels/hostels in Uppsala are - There will be a 20-30 min walk down to the city for dinner, so bring appropriate clothing
- Phone number (Björn Nystedt) 073-4026231
- Dinner at 17.30 (Please be on time)
Draft Schedule
Tuesday, Dec 4
10:00-10.30 Registration, coffee and sandwiches
10.30-10.45 Welcome and introduction (Björn)
10.45-11.30 Warmup exercise (Björn)
11.30-12.45 Lunch , catering
13.00-14.15 Feedback session 1
14.15-14.45 Coffe
14.45-16.00 Feedback session 2
16.00-16.30 Social activity
17.30 Dinner
Wednesday, Dec 5
09.15-10.30 Feedback session 3
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-11.30 Commercializing innovations
Björn Ingemarsson, Pontus Skråmstadius, UU Innovation
11.50-12.45 Lunch, Sven Dufva
12.45-13.30 Summary and end of meeting
All NBIS staff
Brief descriptions of the NBIS staff are found here
Rooms, feedback sessions
(booked 12.30 -17.00)
A: 1309 (main room)
13.00 Emelie Nilsson, 14.45 Suzana Stjelja, 9.15 Jessika Nordin
B: 2102 (8)
13.00 Emilio Ugalde Morales, 14.15 Sharadha Sakthikumarm, 9.15 Danyang Li
C: 2314 (8)
13.00 Maria Rosengren, 14.15 Xuyue Yang, 9.15 Samuel Perini
D: 3309 (18) 1202 (8)
13.00 Lucia Pena Perez, 14..45 Matti Lam, 9.15 Rui Shaom
E: 4102 (8) 3102 (6)
13.00 Sandra Lorena Ament Velasquez, 14.45 Jacob Lewerentzm, 9.15 Valentina Peona
( 2308 (6) )