Topical Meeting on Non-Uniform Sampling (NUS)

Topical Meeting on Non-Uniform Sampling (NUS)

General information

Topical Meeting on Non-Uniform Sampling (NUS)
Organized by SwedNMR and the Swedish NMR Centre

Dates: 16 – 17 Jan 2023, from lunch to mid-afternoon

The scope and learning outcomes:

  • basics of NUS processing: principles, overview different algorithmic approaches
  • practical experience in using NUS processing in nmrPipe and TopSpin
  • when and how to use NUS: for resolution, sensitivity, quantitative spectra, etc

The participants are most welcome to suggest discussion topics and to bring their own 2D-4D NUS NMR spectra or traditionally sampled (we can convert these to NUS) for processing during the hands-on part.

Venue & Address:

  • Swedish NMR Centre, University of Gothenburg, Medicinaregatan 5C, 41390 Gothenburg,
  • NMRbox.org (NB. An account at NMRbox is required)

Target group: SwedNMR staff scientists and experts as well as other advanced NMR spectroscopists interested to learn more about NUS.

Format:  Lectures, discussions, and practical hands-on exercises.

Organizers and Contacts: Vladislav Orekhov; Chemistry & Molecular Biology & Swedish NMR Centre, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Contact: e-mail: bionmr.snc@gmail.com

Information: will be send by e-mail to the registered participants and posted at https://www.gu.se/en/nmr/workshops-courses-and-conferences

Registration: before Jan 7 at https://forms.office.com/r/EwAvrzihD1

Registration for NMRbox (needed for the tutorial hands on sessions)
Since this meeting will use NMRbox for the tutorial sessions, you must obtain an account (if you do not have it) at NMRbox.org . To know more about the NMRbox, you may listen to introductory lecture by Dr.
Adam Schuyler -  https://api.nmrhub.org/files/nmrbox22-2-NMRbox-intro-schuyler.mp4


Meeting lecturers and discussion moderators

AJ -           Mr. Amir Jahangiri (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

MM -       Dr. Maxim Mayzel (Dr Maksim Mayzel, Bruker, Switzerland)

VO -         Prof. Vladislav Orekhov, (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)



Time                         Title                                                                      Type                   Teachers

Monday Jan 16 

11.00 – 12.00         Welcome reception & registration at the Swedish NMR Centre

12.00 – 13.30         Lunch                                                   

13.30 – 14.30         NUS basics                                          Lecture & Discussion               VO

14.30 – 15.30         NUS: experiment and processing with TopSpin                           
Lecture & Discussion                                                                               MM

15.30 – 15.20         Coffee break                              

15.20 – 17.30         hands-on session                                                                        VO, MM, AJ

17.30 – 19.00         (on-site only) Get-together                        SNC                    


Tuesday Jan 17 

09.00 – 09.30         Coffee                                                                

09.30 – 10.20         Discussion                                                         

10.20 – 12.00         hands-on session                                                                         VO, MM, AJ

12.00 – 13.30         Lunch                                                   

13.30 – 15.30         Discussion & hands-on session clean-ups                          VO, MM, AJ

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