SwedNMR Home




SwedNMR is a research infrastructure supported by the national research council VR-RFI and the 9 participating universities. SwedNMR provides access to state-of-the-art NMR instrumentation as well as expert support in all fields of NMR spectroscopy.


How to acknowledge SwedNMR in publications:

SwedNMR is acknowledged for support, in particular XXX at the University YYY is acknowledged for support.




May 12 - 14, 2025


Worlds first 1H,19F probe for DNP-NMR installed at the Swedish NMR Centre

The probe development was part of PANACEA-NMR collaborative research activities. The 400 MHz 3.2 mm DNP-NMR probe is available for users at the Swedish Centre.


Stockholm University and KTH receive WISE- funding for 800 MHz MAS NMR spectroscopy

June 2024









R-NMR, July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025.

Cell-free protein synthesis workshop, Jan 21-23 2025, Gothenburg

Integrative Structural Biology annual user meeting, December 10, Stockholm

Topical Meeting on DNP and paramagnetic NMR in solids, 2024, October 17-18, Stockholm

Biomolecular NMR: Advanced Tools, protein dynamics. An advanced hands-on PhD course (3 ECTS), Swedish NMR Centre at University of Gothenburg, September 30 - October 4, Göteborg.

Fachgruppe Magnetische Resonanz (FGMR), September 9 - 12, Rostock, Germany

Integrated structural biology course, SciLifeLab, September 2 - 12, Lund/Göteborg/Linköping/Stockholm

Sweprot, 27th Swedish Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function, June 14-17, Tällberg

Topical Meeting in quantitative 2D HSQC, June 4 - 5, Uppsala

SwedNMR Uppsala NMR meeting, May 13 - 15, Uppsala

Course in Advanced NMR spectroscopy, April - June, Lund

Metabolomics in Life Science, January 30 - 31, Umeå


Integrated Structural Biology third users meeting, December 6, Stockholm

Workshop on Solid-State NMR in Materials Research, November 27-28, Stockholm 

Inauguration and Symposium on Ultra Fast and Cryo Magic Angle Spinning, November 16, Umeå

PANACEA Second annual Users meeting, November 14 - 16, Florence, Italy

Biomolecular NMR: Advanced Tools, Machine Learning, September, 25-29, Gothenburg

Integrated Structural Biology workshop, August 23 - 24, on zoom

EBSA congress, July 31-August 4, Stockholm

NMR methods for Biomolecules - a deeper dive, July 31, Stockholm

EUROMAR, July 9-13, 2023, Glasgow, UK

NMR - a tool for biology, XIIIth International conference, Institute Pasteur, May 15-17, Paris, France

Mini-Symposium in Metabolomics, May 9, Linköping

Workshop in Metabolomics, May 8-12, Linköping

SwedNMR Annual Users Meeting, May 3-5, Uppsala, 

SwedNMR Topical Meeting on Biomacromolecular Dynamics by 15N NMR Relaxation, Lund, April 18-19

NMR in Biological Mechanisms,March 27-31, Keystone Symposia in Hannover, Germany, (cancelled)

SwedNMR Topical Meeting on Large Proteins/MethylNMR,

March 13-14, Gothenburg

Application of NMR spectroscopy for Protein Structure Elucidation (Zoom Lectures), February 6-16, Uppsala

SwedNMR Topical Meeting on Non-uniform Sampling, January 16-17, Gothenburg



SciLifeLab Integrated Structural Biology symposium, December 12, Stockholm 

SwedNMR Digital Mini Symposium on non-uniform sampling, December 6, Gothenburg

SwedNMR annual meeting, October 4 - 6, Gothenburg

Biomolecular NMR: Advanced Tools, Machine Learning, September 26 - 30,  Gothenburg

Alpine NMR Conference, September 4-8, Chamonix, France

Integrated Structural Biology course, August 22 - September 2, Lund/Gothenburg/Stockholm

ICMRBS, August 21 - 25, Boston, USA

EUROMAR, July 10 - 14, Utrecht, The Netherlands

EMBO workshop. RNS: Structure meets function, June 27 - July 1, Åkersberga

25th Swedish Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function, June 17-20, Tällberg

NMR Uppsala Symposium, May 4 - 5, Uppsala

NMR: a tool for Biology, May 2 - 4, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France

ENC, April 22 - 29, Orlando, Florida, USA