Anders Bay Nord
Urban Andersson [] (Unlicensed)
Rebecca Blakstad (Unlicensed)
Welcome to apply for measurement time or sample preparation support at SwedNMR
There are three access nodes to the Swedish NMR Centre, (Gothenburg, Stockholm, Umeå) and 5 expert nodes. For information regarding instrumentation and supported expert competence, please see ABOUT US. If you are unsure about how to fill in the access form, would like to further discuss or ask about access, operations, experimental feasibility, sample requirements or need more information about SwedNMR, contact either Cecilia Aleksander or Tobias directly.
Rules and fees information
Academic projects are accepted after evaluation of scientific quality and feasibility. Subsidized user fees apply. Industrial projects are accepted without evaluation. A full cost model is applied.
No projects are accepted without submitting a risk assessment.
Support is offered on different levels
Access: User operates spectrometer or uses a ‘walk up machine’
Service: SwedNMR staff performs measurements after discussion/instructions from user and provides data, processed or in raw format
Collaboration: The project is on a collaborative basis, usually including analysis of NMR data by SwedNMR personnel, but can also include planning of experiments, set up of pulse sequences, design of new pulse sequences, sample preparation, supporting sample production (protein expression through PPS) among other things.
Metabolomics: Final sample preparation and data acquisition is performed by SwedNMR personnel, degree of analysis or possible collaboration is discussed at project start
Acknowledgement phrase for access, metabolomics and and service projects.
For projects run at the University of Gothenburg.
"The Swedish NMR centre at the University of Gothenburg is acknowledged for support."
Associated costs
Costs apply for both usage of spectrometers as well as personnel.
Metabolomics projects have a cost model that is based on a per sample fee. Specific details can be found at the home page of each access node. FBS projects are performed together with CBCS, fixed fees is added for screening campaigns using fragment libraries supplied by the CBCS. For other projects, costs apply for usage of spectrometers and for personnel (both an hourly fee) and for consumables. Different rates apply for academia and industry
Academic projects granted measurement time also includes 10h of personnel time (40h for collaborative metabolomics projects) to cover administrative work, communication, sample handling, data processing and possible data analysis. In collaborative projects, the cost model is defined per project, and for service projects, there is an hourly fee when more than 10 hours are needed.
Projects initiated from industry includes 4 hours to cover the administrative work, communication and simple sample handling.
User fees
Lund University
Chalmers University of Technology
Linköping University
Stockholm University
Cancellation policy
Bookings of spectrometer time are always made in dialogue with each user after approval of a project application AND signing a user agreement. We will of course try our best to reschedule bookings or make the time available to new users. Please let us know if there is a high chance that your sample might not be present for the day of your booking.
Submission of access form
After signing the user agreement, you will be contacted by SwedNMR staff to discuss scheduling of instrument time, discussion of support needed etc. for the case this has not already been discussed. After form submission, you should receive a confirmation mail stating that your project application request has been registered.
Contact either Cecilia Aleksander or Tobias for questions directed to the Gothenburg, Stockholm or Umeå sites, respectively, regarding project application, instrumentation, fees or anything else regarding access and operations of SwedNMR.
Apply for access to infrastructure
For questions about how to apply, please contact Cecilia Persson,
NB! On windows, use Firefox if possible – Edge or Chrome is a hit-and-miss with sending in the form below.