Topical Meeting on DNP and Paramagnetic NMR

Organized by SwedNMR national infrastructure, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Stockholm University.

The meeting is aimed at academic and industrial researchers interested in developing their competence in advanced solid-state NMR topics. The meeting is free of charge.

Dates: 17 – 18 Oct 2024, from lunch to lunch

Venue: Erdtmanrummet (room 725, floor 7), Teknikringen 30, Department of Chemistry, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

Contacts: Sergey Dvinskikh (, Istvan Furo (

Information:  Further information will be sent by e-mail to registered participants 

Registration: registration form


Preliminary Program:


Michael Hope (Warwick Univ)

Aleksander Jaworski (Stockholm Univ)

Arthur Pinon (Gothenburg Univ)

Staffan Schantz (AstraZeneca)

Dick Sandström (Bruker)

Thursday Oct 17

11.00 – 12.00              Registration

12.00 – 13.30              Lunch

13.30 – 18.30              Lectures & Discussions

19.00                            Dinner

Friday Oct 18

09.00 – 12.00              Lectures & Discussions

12.00                            Lunch