


Monday, 3 June 2019

13.00 - 14.00 h


Stockholm - Scilifelab Gamma 7, Berlin

Virtual conference - SciLifeLab@vconf.kth.se (how to connect)

Which paper are we discussing?

Demographic Divergence History of Pied Flycatcher and Collared Flycatcher Inferred from Whole-Genome Re-sequencing Data (Nadachowska-Brzyska et al, PLoS Genet 2013 Nov 9(11))

Who is presenting?



Hi, on Monday June 3 I will present "Demographic Divergence History of Pied Flycatcher and Collared Flycatcher Inferred from Whole-Genome Re-sequencing Data". This paper presents one of the first applications of demographic inference on whole-genome resequencing data. The purpose of choosing this paper is to demonstrate the use of coalescent modelling for demographic inference. I will briefly discuss the article itself and then devote attention to the more general problem of simulating DNA sequences, with a focus on the coalescent process. I plan to upload a Jupyter notebook for your benefit, hopefully before Monday...


Here is the notebook corresponding to the version of the presentation. I will however continue modifying this document. To keep track of recent changes, please use the nonmodeljc Bitbucket repository.

The first JC after summer will be on Monday, 2 September