Meeting 58, 2024-04-19

Meeting 58, 2024-04-19

NBIS arranges an open AI and IO Seminar Series aimed at knowledge-sharing about Artificial Intelligence and Integrative Omics (AI & IO) analysis and applications in the Life Science community. The seminar series is open to everyone. The seminar is run over Zoom on the third Friday of the month during academic terms, typically between 10 and 11 am, with ca. 45 min long presentation and 15 min discussion. 

When is the meeting?

19 April 2024 at 10.00 - 11.00

Where is the meeting?

Zoom video-conference: http://meet.nbis.se/aiaio

What is the meeting about?

“Model-guided ML approaches to integrative omics analyses” (DDLS fellow research presentation)

Who is the responsible presenter?

Cemal Erdem, DDLS fellow, Umeå University

Abstract: Development of a single cancer drug, on average, costs more than half a billion US dollars and takes years to go into the market. However, so far underutilized large-scale computational models can help prioritize lead candidates and stratify potentially responsive patients. Computational models are also critical to re-purpose available drugs, reveal new mechanisms to target, and design better clinical regimens. For these models to become useful and predictive, they need to be trained on experimental and clinical data. So, in this talk, I will show snippets of computational models we use in our lab and how they can be applied to different scenarios. I will also briefly talk about how we can start to combine machine learning and equation-based models for “causal inference”. We believe such merging using patient data is necessary to be able to create clinically predictive computational models for cancer and other diseases.

Slides: (TBA after seminar)


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