A large number of the probes listed below were purchased separately and re-built for specific projects. Hence, we have a complete electronics/mechanics workshop and related expertise.
Less-routine spectrometers (all Bruker)
300 MHz Avance II (3 ch, solid/liquid with 1kW X-amplifier), WB (2006)
Diffusion/microimaging probes, Max temperature 60°C for 10 mm, 80°C for 5mm inserts
Diff25 300MHz WB probe (25G/cm/A). Z-grad 960 G/cm at Imax=40A, 10 mm and 5 mm rf inserts for 1H and 2H.
Diff60 300MHz WB probe (60 G/cm/A). Z-grad 3000 G/cm at Imax=50A, 10 mm and 5 mm rf inserts for 1H and 2H.
MIC5 300MHz SB/WB probe (5 G/cm/A). XYZ-grad 300 G/cm at Imax=60A. 1H
MIC2.5 300MHz. Setup includes WB-sized gradient tube with XYZ-gradients, 150 G/cm at Imax=60A (» 2.5 G/cm/A) and SB-sized rf probe head with exchangeable resonators.
Resonators: 2mm 1H (solenoid), 5mm1H (saddle), 10mm 1H (saddle), 20mm 1H (bird-cage), 30mm1H (bird-cage), 10mm 1H (homebuilt, with extended field of view), 10mm 19F, 10mm 2H.
Solution NMR probes
ATM BBF (broad-band and 19F) 5mm SB
Several (>8) different BBI 5mm, BBO 10mm , BBO 5mm probes plus various unconventional/re-built probes from GE, Bradley.
Solid probes
HR-MAS 4mm, max 15 kHz, max 90°C, CP-MAS 4mm, max 15 kHz, -150°C/+150°C, CP-MAS 7mm, max 7 kHz, -150°C/+150°C
Static X nuclei, wide range of rf inserts, -150°C/+150°C
500 MHz Avance III 3 ch, SB (2007) and 500 MHz Avance HD, SB (2013)
Both spectrometers are solid/liquid, with interchangeable probes (except MAS, on Avance HD)
Diffusion/microimaging probes, Max temperature 60°C for 10 mm, 80°C for 5mm inserts if not stated otherwise
DIFF/30 500MHz SB probe (G/cm/A). Z-grad 1800 G/cm at Imax=60A and MIC5 500 SB probe (5 G/cm/A). XYZ 300 G/cm at Imax=60A.
Both probes have 10mm and 5 mm rf inserts for a wide range of nuclei, also RF inserts also for extended temp range -100°C/+200oC.
Solution NMR probes
Several (>10) different BBI 5mm, BBO 10mm , BBO 5mm, TXI (1H/13C/15N) 5mm, TXI (1H/13C/15N) 10mm and a few with unconventional nuclei combinations (such as 19F/1H 5mm).
High-temperature probe
High-tem. DUL 1H/13C/2H 5mm, -100°C/+600°C
Solid probe
CP-MAS 4mm, max 15kHz, -90°C/+90°C
Other less-routine NMR equipment, stand-alone or add-on
NMR Mouse 13 MHz, NMR Mouse 9 kHz, NMR handheld Mouse 13 MHz
Portable console KEA upgraded with 500W amplifier + Potable battery-driven NMR console Magritec
Two complete setups (power supply + probes inserts) for electrophoretic NMR
Rapid liquid-liquid and liquid-solid mixing probes inserts
Temperature-jump probe insert
Light-induced kinetics probe (UV/Vis through optical fibre)
1 T horizontal MR system (Aspect Imaging) with a 30 G/cm peak gradient strength. For complex flow studies at the Dept of Mechanics.
Spectrometers primarily for high-throughput routine service (all Bruker)
400 MHz Nanobay Avance III HD (2013)
BBO Smart probe 5mm, gradient
BBO 5mm, gradient
1H/13C inverse probe, 5mm, with gradient
400 MHz Nanobay Avance III HD (2013)
BBO Smart probe 5mm, gradient
TXI 1.7 mm H/C/N with gradient
500 MHz Avance (2004, partly upgraded since)
BBO 5mm, gradient
BBI 5mm, gradient
400 MHz DRX (1999)
5 mm H/BB inverse with Z-grad
5mm H/BB normal without grad
5 mm H/C (dual) normal without grad
5 mm 1H without grad
10 mm H/BB normal without grad
10 mm H/205Tl normal without grad
Specialized service:
- Diffusion and flow experiments in simple and complex fluids and solids, in a wide range of temperatures and on a wide range of nuclei.
- Electrophoretic NMR experiments.
- Kinetic experiments with rapid mixing, temperature jump, or light excitation.
- MRI experiments on a wide variety of technological (paper, tablets, batteries, etc) and geological (soil, clay, cement) systems.
- NMR cryoporometry.
- In collaboration of P&L Scientific Instrument Services, design and construction of custom-built NMR equipment, mainly for electrophoretic NMR.
- Solid state structural and dynamical problems, at high and low temperature, in a broad range of nuclei.
- Liquid state structural, dynamical, and complexation/binding problems, at high and low temperature, including any available nuclei from 3H to (so far) 41K.
A large number of cooperation with academic groups world-wide, with NMR as main contribution.
We participated in a wide range of collaborations with many companies large (Novartis, Pfizer, Unilever, Pepsico, GE Healthcare/Cytiva, SKB, etc) and small, with direct company support (incl contact work) exceeding 1 MKr/year over the past 15 years.
Prof. István Furó and Assoc. Prof. Sergey Dvinskikh: both ~ 35 years of experience with NMR and MRI in general and diverse applications (usually not in organic chemistry or biochemistry) incl pulse sequence and hardware design. Furó is editor of the RSC series New Developments in NMR.
Assoc. Prof. Zoltán Szabó: ~30 years of experince with NMR, including small molecules, natural products, complexes
Assoc. Prof. Christofer Lendel: ~20 years of experience with biomolecular and solid-state NMR
Assoc. Prof. Martin Lawoko: ~15 years of experience with liquid-state NMR of wood biopolymers
Prof. Thomas Larsson (adjunct): ~25 years of experience with solid-state NMR of wood biopolymers
Personnel available for service:
Assoc. Prof. Sergey Dvinskikh, currently 20% time paid for user support
Assoc. Prof. Zoltán Szabó, currently 25% time paid for user support
Financial contribution of the university:
Instrument purchase, a part of service costs and salaries for user support are covered by faculty funding.