Friday, 3 December 2021
10.00 - 11.00 h
Which paper are we discussing?
The barnacle genome! Balanus improvisus
The genome is highly heterozygous, and we have been trying to "haplodize" it, with some success we think.
However, new data from a related species Amphibalanus amphitrite has been recently made available (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/annotation_euk/Amphibalanus_amphitrite/100/).
A. amphitrite:
- 807 Mb
- ~31,000 annotated genes
- BUSCO 4 (run on longest proteins) C:96.9%[S:31.2%,D:65.7%],F:0.8%,M:2.3%,n:1013
our "haploid" B. improvisus:
- 821 Mb
- ~26,000 genes
- BUSCO 3 (run on genome) C:94.9%[S:86.0%,D:8.9%],F:1.9%,M:3.2%,n:1066
- BUSCO 5 (run on genome) C:85.2%[S:79.2%,D:6.0%],F:8.8%,M:6.0%,n:1013
- BUSCO 5 (run on longest proteins) C:83.5%[S:78.9%,D:4.6%],F:7.0%,M:9.5%,n:1013
Who is presenting?
Magnus & Estelle
This is an ongoing NBIS-LTS project