Non-model organisms Journal Club
This is the WIKI page for the former non-model organisms Journal Club, which is currently not running.
At this Journal Club, members of the NBIS-organization and other interested researchers come together once a month to discuss articles on non-model organisms with a focus on bioinformatics challenges and possible best-practices. These include a wide range of organisms, (NGS) data types, data analysis methods, and biological questions. Usually, one person will summarize a selected article in a 30-45 minutes presentation. The article will then be discussed during the remaining time, everyone should thus have read it in advance. You will find the article in the respective Meetings folder here on the wiki.
We are meeting every first Friday a month from 10.00-11.00 via zoom. Every meeting will be announced here in this WABI wiki space (→ Meetings and therein) and through the Google Group email list NBIS_NonModelOrganism_JC (the email list's address is You need to apply for membership in the Google Group to receive emails, which is only possible if you have a Google account. Please get in touch with Verena Kutschera if you'd like to join the email list without a Google account.
Recent space activity
Space contributors
- Verena Kutschera (914 days ago)
- Nikolay Oskolkov (997 days ago)
- Tomas Larsson (1025 days ago)
- Marcel Martin (1092 days ago)
- Estelle Proux-Wéra (1184 days ago)
- ...