User fees SNC Gothenburg

The charged cost for use of NMR spectrometers is based on the actual cost. For academic users that means running costs, handling and general service costs. For industrial users, the cost is 4 times the academic cost for spectrometer time and SEK 1400/h for staff man hours.

Due to rising costs for helium, electricity and rent, the costs below are currently being revised.

Projects initiated from industry includes 4 hours to cover the administrative work, communication and simple sample handling.

Structural biology

Apr 1, 2023

On the price below, 80% subsidy is applied for academic projects

≥ 600 - 900 MHz with cryoprobes, SEK 150 SEK/h (Industry projects pay 600 SEK/h)

Academic projects supported by SwedNMR includes 10 hrs of staff for pre & post-analytical handling & analysis.

Additional staff time = charged after discussion

If a collaborative mode of service model is desired, please contact staff for details and discussion. 


Jan 1, 2024

300 SEK/sample (220 SEK/sample for ongoing projects, staff time fee unchanged)

any project includes up to 10 (service projects) or 40 hrs (collaborative projects) of staff time for pre & post-analytical handling, PCA & report

Additional staff time = by the hour; 700 SEK/h for academic users.

If a collaborative mode of service model is desired, please contact staff for details and discussion.

400 MHz DNP and ssNMR

Apr 1, 2023

Academic projects SEK 200/h + SEK 1000 per sample (SEK 500 for non-DNP samples)

Industry projects SEK 500/h + SEK 1000 per sample

Academic projects financed by industry  SEK 250/h + SEK 1000 per sample (SEK 500 for non-DNP samples) assuming FAIR data dissemination

Small molecules, FBS & Materials Science

Apr 1, 2023

600 - 900 MHz with cryoprobes, and 600B with RT probe, SEK 135/h (Industry projects pay 540 SEK/h)

Academic projects supported by SwedNMR includes 10 hrs of staff for sample handling, basic set-up of experiments and communication

Walkup instrumentation

Dec 1, 2023

SEK 200/h (industry SEK 800/h)