Welcome to the Swedish NMR Centre (SNC)



User fees at SNC Gothenburg


How to acknowledge the Swedish NMR Centre Gothenburg in publications

The Swedish NMR centre at the University of Gothenburg is acknowledged for support.

Description of systems for publications:

600#2 (violet):

600 MHz Oxford magnet equipped with Bruker NEO console and 5mm QCIP 1H/19F/31P/13C/15N cold probe.

700 (green)

700 MHz Bruker magnet equipped with Avance III console and 5mm QCIF 1H/19F/13C/15N cold probe.

800#2 (red)

800 MHz Oxford magnet equipped with Bruker Avance HDIII console and 5mm TXO 13C/1H/15N cold probe.

800#1 (indigo)

800 MHz Oxford magnet equipped with Bruker Avance HDIII console and 3mm TCI 1H/13C/15N cold probe.

900 (blue)

900 MHz Oxford magnet equipped with Bruker Avance HDIII console and 3mm TCI 1H/13C/15N cold probe.

Booking overview at SNC Gothenburg

Booking of instruments at the NMR Centre is done by the staff. If you want to request time on a magnet, use the relevant access form on this page. If you have any questions regarding booking, e-mail Cecilia Persson.

The booking situation of the instruments can be examined by clicking here. 



600#2 Walkup

The 600#2 1H/19F/31P/13C/15N CryoProbe is available for Walkup use. We will routinely fill nitrogen and helium and at these occasions pause the queue for 1-3 hours.

To get access email snc@nmr.gu.se.

For the instrument schedule, see ‘Booking overview at SNC Gothenburg’ above.

Documents for access (below):

  1. Check list (also available in printed format at the spectrometer)

  2. Rack positions for each PI group / user.

  3. Introduction to walkup.


Current operating mode 600 ‘white’


Planned date for switching operating mode: n/a