500 600 MHz
Bruker Avance NEO
SampleCase (24 position)
iProbe BBFO 5mm BBF/1H (X nuclei optimized 5mm double resonance broad banded Bruker iProbe (BBFO SmartProbe) designed for direct X-nuclei observation with 1H decoupling and for 1H observation (indirect detection)
- 5mm TXI 1H/13C/15N (1H optimized 5mm triple resonance TXI probe designed for 1H observation with 13C and/or 15N decoupling)
600 , 4 channels
- 5mm QCI(P) Z-gradient CryoProbe 1H-19F/13C/15N/31P
800 MHz
Bruker Avance NEO with , 4 channels
SampleJet (Individual rack temperature setting between 4 to 44 °C)
- 5mm 5 mm TCI Z-gradient CryoProbe (1H optimized 5mm triple resonance TCI CryoProbe designed for 1H observation with 13C and/or 15N decoupling, and for 13C and 15N observation with 1H decoupling due to superior sensitivity on 13C. Probe includes cooled . Cooled preamplifiers for 1H, 13C, 15N and 2H.)
- MAS probe
Specialized service that we typically perform for/with academic groups and companies, nationally and internationally:
SlowRelaxation experiments characterizing slow-to-fast protein dynamics characterization (CEST, CPMG relax-disp, R1ρrelax-dispCPMG or R1ρ relaxation dispersion, CEST, R1, R2, hetNOE…)
- Assignment of large proteins and interaction mapping w proteins and molecules
- Intrinsically disordered proteins and their interactions with proteins and small molecules
- Organic synthesis: analysis and structure evaluation
hetNOE, etc)
- Protein resonance assignment
- Protein – ligand interaction mapping
Access / Core facility experience:
The LiU NMR facility is part of the ProLinC Biophysics Core Facility at LiU since 2015 (https://liu.se/forskning/prolinc). ProLinC serves >125 users annually, and NMR forms a substantial part of this platform. ProLinC is part of the ARBRE/MOBIEU European Biophysics network, and is a node in the European MOSBRI biophysics infrastructure, which was recently (today, Nov 3rd) approved funding as a transnational core facility with EU support through INFRAIA. All access LU NMR facility
Access to NMR equipment at LiU LU (both internal and external users) is made through ProLinC, where NMR forms a substantial part. NMR@LiU currently engages 12 research groups at IFM (from advanced materials to protein science), 9 research groups at the Medical Faculty (metabolomics) and 5 at ITN (soft materials). NMR at LIU is also a critical part of the SMILE project, supported by Tillväxtverket to facilitate SME access to national large-and-medium infrastructures.
The PReSTO VR compute infrastructure project, which aims to comprise NMR software for biochemical/biostructural applications, is housed at LiU within its NSC facility (National Supercomputer Centre; SNIC).
Competence and personell
Dr Maria Sunnerhagen, prof Structural Biology: ≈30 years of experience with using NMR as a combined tool with biophysical methods to study proteins of medical interest and their complexes, during recent years in particular with intrinsically disordered proteins.
Dr Alexandra Ahlner, principal research engineer, first PhD student of Patrik Lundström and co-developer of PINT, holds >10 years of NMR experience, in particular protein dynamics and methods development on the study of large proteins. Joint postdoc with Dr Julie Forman-Kay and Dr Linda Penn, U Toronto supported by the Swedish Child Cancer Foundation.
Dr Xiongyu Wu, Drug discovery platform manager of Neuroscience at LiU since 2013, ≈20 years of experience in NMR for the use of small molecule NMR analysis in organic synthesis. PhD 2000, Postdoc UU, Research Scientist Karo Bio AB.
Dr Björn Wallner, prof Bioinformatics: expert member of the Rosetta developer team, experience with NMR ensemble calculations in particular for intrinsically disordered proteins and joint interpretation of NMR data with SAXS and SANS data. Affiliated with PReSTO. requested by contacting Göran Carlström (goran.carlstrom@chem.lu.se)
Competence and personnel
Dr Mikael Akke, Prof Physical Chemistry: 35 years of experience using NMR to study protein structure, dynamics and interactions.
Dr Göran Carlström, principal research engineer, NMR facility manager, 40 years of experience in NMR spectroscopy.