The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program
Grand meeting 1, 2020 (Sep 28-29)
PhD students:
- Present yourself: Prepare 1 slide that you can show the group to introduce yourself and your project (1-2 min/person). It is also nice if you have pictures of yourself, your supervisor and your advisor on the slide. Be prepared to email this slide the Friday before the meeting.
- Feedback session: Each PhD student will get a feedback session on her/his project, in small groups (ca 3 projects per group). Make sure that you prepare material/slides/discussion points for these small group discussions.
PhD supervisors and advisors
You don’t need to prepare anything, but we encourage you to participate actively in the discussions and create a positive and encouraging atmosphere to support the PhD students, and create valuable connections.
Practical notes
- The meeting will be online: Zoom link:
- Feedback sessions have separate zoom links, one for each group A-E, see below
Schedule (preliminary)
Monday, Sep 28
09.20-09.50 Student presentation, groups numbers 1 & 2 (Elza, Anoop, Rosanne, Kajsa, Katja, Jon, Marika, Sara, Kevin)
09.50-10.00 Short break, join the zoom room of your group before 10.
10.00-1011.50 00 Feedback session group 1 (+ introduction round)
11.0010-1112.50 00 Feedback session group 2
13.00-15.00 Group discussions in smaller groups ( (breakout rooms) - topics TBA
Tuesday, Sep 29
09.00-09.50 40 Student presentations, groups numbers 3 & 4 (Kristaps, Raquel, Susanne, Ida-Maria, Marianne, Laura, Matt, Julie, Julia)
09.5040-1009.00 50 Short break, join the zoom meeting of your group before 109.50.
1009.0050-10.50 40 Feedback session group 3
1110.0050-11.50 40 Feedback session group 4 or alternative project feedback4 (groups B, D, E) or additional project feedback for groups A and C
11.5040-12.00 00 Summary and end of meeting (Anna & Diana Final questions (stay in your zoom group)
Groups (there may still be changes):
Group A: Elza (1), Jon (2), Raquel Raquel (3) --- Advisors: Åsa, Anna, MarkusR
Group B: Anoop (1), Marika (2), Susanne (3), Julia (4) --- Advisors: Bengt, Rui, Louella
Group C: Kajsa (1), Rosanne (2), Ida-Maria (3) --- Advisors: Nina, Ashfaq (1-2), Rosanne Paulo, Diana (3)
Group D: Kristaps Matt (1), Sara (2), Marianne (3) Matt ), Kristaps (4) --- Advisors: Tomas, Nikolay, Nima, Verena, Estelle Lokesh (4)
Group E: Katja (1), Kevin (2), Julie Laura (3), Julie (4) --- Advisors: John, Marcin (1-2,4), Laura Ashfaq (3-4), Lokesh (1-3)
PhD students:
- Present yourself: Prepare 1 slide that you can show the group to introduce yourself and your project (1-2 min/person). It is also nice if you have pictures of yourself, your supervisor and your advisor on the slide. Be prepared to email this slide the Friday before the meeting.
- Feedback session: Each PhD student will get a feedback session on her/his project, in small groups (3-4 projects per group). Make sure that you prepare material/slides/discussion points for these small group discussions.
PhD supervisors and advisors
You don’t need to prepare anything, but we encourage you to participate actively in the discussions and create a positive and encouraging atmosphere to support the PhD students, and create valuable connections.
Please register your participation in the google sheet below at the latest September 16!