14.00-15.00 Scientific communication - Henrike Wiemker, (presentation: 221110_Science-communication-intro.pdf)
15.00 (ca) Coffee
15.00-17.00 Group activity
18.00 Dinner Dinner, Koh Phangan
Day2 (Friday 11/11)
09.30-09.55 Presentation of group activity
11.15-12.15 Feedback session 4
13.3015-14.30 Feedback in pairs (student + expert other than the advisor)
14.15 Coffee
PhD students:
PIs join their students.
A (1): Tianyi, FerideRodrigo, Hanna, Susmita Susmita (Advisors: Åsa, Juliana, Gwenna, Anna, Sebastian K:f4Malin) - Room: E10:2309
B (2): Raphaela, Itzel, Tian, Artemy, Rodrigo Isabelle (Advisors: Prasoon, Paul, Juliana, Louella, Diana:f2) Sebastian K, Sebastian dL, Diana:f3, Louella, Paul) Artemy - Room: E10:3309C (3): Raphaela, Mariya, Isabelle (Advisors: Malin, Sebastian dL, Sebastian K) - Room: E10:2314
D (4): Linnea, Dries, Zoe, Artemy (Advisors: Marcin, John:f1-2, Lokesh, Sukithar, André: f3, Per:f1) - Room: E10:33142102
E (5): David, Zachary, Xiaomeng, Zaide (Advisors: Tomas, Estelle, Nima, Per:f2, André:f2) - Room: E10:4308,
f: feedback session number (1-2 on Thursday and 3-4 on Friday)
People marked in green will participate on zoom
The order of the students is the intended order of their presentations. Please talk to Anna or Diana if you need to change the order!
Groups for group activity
First: Hanna, Raphaela, David, Sebastian K, Nima
Second: Rodrigo, Susmita, Itzel, Prasoon, Sebastian dL
Third: Tianyi, Isabelle, Tian, Åsa, Malin, Lokesh
Forth: Dries, Linnea, Zachary, Juliana, Tomas
Fifth: Zoe, Zaide, Xiaomeng, Estelle, Sukhitar
Getting to know each other: Find 3 common, 1 unique thing for everyone in the group and draw that as a venndiagram
Poster session: You get 2 hours where you together as a group will produce a poster answering one or several of the questions below, preferably thinking about what you just heard about. The poster can either be made on a computer or you get more down to basics and be creative using paper, pens, scissors, glitter glue and anything else you can think about and find around here. Tomorrow morning we will go through the posters in the first session, so you should also have a plan on how to present it to the rest of the group in max 5 minutes. This exercise is both about the actual scientific questions, scientific communication and about you interacting, so it is ok to interpret the questions rather openly if you prefer that.
- Best practices in a specific research area. What are the best tools and pipelines and how are these best combined?
- Best way of using reproducibility tools for your research
- Your best hacks for being efficient at work
- Your best hacks for reading up on a new area and / or keeping up with your field / finding answers
- Your best hacks for feeling creative and having fun while doing science
Pair-wise feedback
Pairs will change during the session, but this is the suggestion for the first round:
Student | Advisor |
Rodrigo | Sebastian K |
Tian | Nima |
Linnea | Jason |
Tianyi | Roy |
Hanna | Sebastian dL |
Susmita | Prasoon |
Itzel | Estelle/Juliana |
Raphaela | Malin |
Isabelle | Payam |
Zoe | Tomas |
Zaide | Sukithar |
David | Lokesh |
Xiaomeng | André |
Practical notes
- The meeting will be at SciLifeLab Uppsala: BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, entrance C11, Navet (E10), ground floor (see map)
- All meals in the schedule are included for free, other meals are covered and organised by the participants.
- Travel and accomodation is payed and organised by the participants. Some hotels/hostels in Uppsala are
http://uppsalacityhostel.se/ - There will be a 20-30 min walk down to the city for dinner, so bring appropriate clothing
- Phone number: 0733-708464 (Anna Johansson), 072-1482138 (Diana Ekman)
- Dinner, Koh Phangan, Fyristorg 2
Registration (closed)