Dynamic notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1paudKBwATvIqUoUygFCTdEYIG03uTAqPxr3-TB3fwHg/edit?usp=sharing
What: AI and IO technical group meeting
When: 2023-01-20, 10am
How: online via Zoom http://meet.nbis.se/aiaio
Wiki space: https://wabi-wiki.scilifelab.se/x/xIMMC
Present: Olga, Bengt, Nima, Erik, Lars, Paul, Nikolay
General discussion
- “An introduction to second generation p-values” Blume et al (2019) (Nima)
- Tidymodels in R, is anyone using them? Any feedback, suggestions etc?
- Decision: postponed
- Anyone interested in presenting at the NBIS AI and IO Seminar Series? Any external speakers we can think of?
- None at the moment, any suggestions welcome
Julia programming language
- Skipped this time
- None
, multiple selections available,