Zoom Link:
Time: 1100-1200
Participants: Ashfaq Ali, Bengt Sennblad, Carolina Wählby, Claudio Mirabello, Lars Eklund, Fredrik Nysjö, Daniel Malmodin, Eva Freyhult, Nima Rafati, Sergiu Netotea, Per Unneberg, Thomas Svensson, Mun-Gwan Hong, Julie Lorent, Erik Fasterius, Paul Pyl, Nikolay, Jonas Söderberg, Olga Dethlefsen
One or two groups? Scope:
- Topics not overlapping?
- Integrative NBIS projects not ML-fit
- Too few people to motivate two groups?
- Initially tech groups will be internal to NBIS
- Associated JCs could be more inclusive (?)
- Nima: how reach out to DDLS then?
- Decision: One group
DDLS conference
- Carolina: We/the techgroup/NBIS should have a showcase for the upcoming DDLS conference (Nov 15-16)
Topics of interest:
- Method-based tech group
- Omics from multiple assays/time points/ experiments
- ML-based
- Network-based
- Knowledge graphs
- Systems biology
- (== non-ML integrative omics?)
- Imaging and Spatial omics?
- ML approaches (i.e., not only multi omics)?
- ML integration/reuse/generalization across interests? (Suggested topic LE)
- Data Engineering and data analyses, reproducibility
- Comment: border against statistical genomics (also method-based) t4ech group, e.g., statistical learning, probabilistic models maybe sorts under this stat genomics tech group.
- How to meet
- Quarterly or Biannual meeting, with possible involvement of other scilifeLab ?
- In connection with the retreat (parallel session or similar)
- If the retreat is very busy, possibly add an extra meeting.
- Should there be a topical workshop/conferences?
- Journal club?
- Positive response from Nikolay
- 3-4/semester or monthly
- Zoom
- Monthly chat
- In connection to/before JC
- Strategic event to engage wider audience
- Impact projects together?
- Should training be linked to the group?
- Slack
- Meeting notes
- Use Wabi wiki space
- Use Tech group Calendar
- Monthly chat with possible followup item on the agenda
- Maybe 3rd Friday in the month at 10.00? (or something similar)
- Followed by JC or similar?
Overlap between the areas
- Perhaps in Spatial Omics
- Integrative with machine learning maybe too broad?
- Projects NBIS is involved in, maybe sample sizes are too small
- Possible overlap with Spatial Omics, that maybe fine.
- Many examples in Single cell omics (autoencoders)
- Cancer Genomics
- Two independent groups may not practical due to size
- Possible issue with disclosing projects with external stakeholders