The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program
Grand meeting 1, 2019 (May 6-7)
Please register your participation in the google sheet below at the latest April 12! Choose tab "2018/2019" or "2019/2020":
Add ‘1' or ‘0’ at your name for each session column so that I can prepare groups and alike according to who is actually present when. (All text in the sheet is immediately saved, you don’t need to press any 'save' button). Please treat the registration as binding after April 12 as late participant changes will cause me substantial extra work.
PhD students:
A) Each student will make an ultra-short presentation, 2 min! For this you need to prepare 2 slides and send to me in advance
- 1 slide including: Photos and names of you, your PI and your advisor. Your overall research question.
- 1 slide including: Your main strategy to answer your research question. Bullet points of 3 main problems/challenges that you see
This presentation is a challenge and an exercise, and you should put some effort to it; presenting in 2 min is more difficult than 20 min, you need to reach out to a broad audience in a very concise way to create interest.
B) Each PhD student will get an about 45-min feedback session on her/his project, in small groups. Make sure that you bring material/slides/discussion points readily available for these small group discussions. Your material should be as clear and focused as possible; it is up to you to prepare well to make these meetings valuable! I will create the groups once I know who will attend the meeting.
PhD supervisors and advisors
You basically don’t need to prepare anything, but these meetings obviously rely on your presence and that you participate actively in the discussions and create a positive and encouraging atmosphere to support the PhD students, and creates valuable connections.
Practical notes
- The meeting will be at SciLifeLab Uppsala: BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, entrance C11, Navet (E10), ground floor (see map)
- All meals in the schedule are included for free, other meals are covered and organised by the participants.
- Travel and accomodation is payed and organised by the participants. Some hotels/hostels in Uppsala are - There will be a 20-30 min walk down to the city for dinner, so bring appropriate clothing
- Phone number (Björn Nystedt) 073-4026231
- Dinner Monday evening. TBA
Preliminary Schedule
The schedule might change a bit depending on the number of participants. The start and end times will however remain, so you can go ahead and book tickets.
Monday, May 6
10:00 - 10.30 Registration, coffee and sandwiches
10.30 - 11.00 Welcome and introduction (Björn Nystedt)
11.00 - 11.20 Session 1: Student's brief presentations
11.20 - 11.30 Instructions for the feedback sessions (Björn Nystedt)
12.30 - 13.20 Session 1: Project feedback (Groups)
13.30 - 13.50 Session 2: Student's brief presentations
14.00 - 14.50 Session 2: Project feedback (Groups)
15.20 - 15.40 Session 3/4: Student's brief presentations
15.40 - 16.30 Session 3: Project feedback (Groups)
16.40 - 17.20 Social activity
18.00 Dinner
Tuesday, May 7
09.15 - 10.05 Session 4: Project feedback (Groups) / Individual feedback sessions, mix-n-match
10.05 - 10.30 Coffee
10.30 - 11.30 Summary of group discussions and feedback sessions.
Lunch Sven Dufva
13.00 - 13.50 Invited talks: Great resources for research!
Biobank Sweden, Tobias Sjöblom,
Biodiversity Atlas Sweden (BAS), Anna Rosling,
13.50 - 14.00 Closing words and end of meeting (Björn Nystedt)
All NBIS staff
Brief descriptions of the NBIS staff are found here
Feedback sessions
Feedback groups (still preliminary!) are here