Monday, 4 March 2019
13.00 - 14.00 h
Stockholm - Scilifelab Gamma 7, Rom
Uppsala - BMC, E10:3309
Virtual conference - SciLifeLab@vconf.kth.se (how to connect)
Which paper are we discussing?
See https://nbisweden.slack.com/files/UENDHH0EA/FFX6EG12Q/Journal_club_2019-03-04 for a discussion on alternative topics and the poll at https://nbisweden.slack.com/archives/CD0JLRYPM/p1549289349034800
The Neutral Theory in Light of Natural Selection (Andrew D. Kern, Matthew W. Hahn)
The importance of the Neutral Theory in 1968 and 50 years on: A response to Kern and Hahn 2018 (Jensen et al)
Who is presenting?