Raquel, Susmita, Feride, Hugo, Itzel, (Jonna) Katja S, Marika, Isabelle, Edana, Linnea, Matt, Katharina, Katja K, Renaud
09.50-10.50 Feedback session 1 (S1)
11.00-12.00 Feedback session 2 (S2)
13.00-15.00 Topic: Reproducible Research - What is this and how do you get there? (Late registration accepted)(Erik Fasterius, Verena Kutschera, John Sundh
Learn more in the course "Tools for reproducible research"!
View file name reproducibility_advisoryProgram_210510.pdf height 150
Tuesday, May 11
09.00-09.05 Info from SBW2021 https://sbw-lund.github.io/
09.05-09.30 Short student presentations (ca 2 min)
Jon, Tyanyi, Julia, Susanne, Viktor, Katja, Jamirah, Kajsa, Zachary, Marianne, David, Kevin
09.40-10.40 Feedback sessions 3 (S3)
10.50-11.50 Feedback sessions 4 (S4), or time for additional questions in groups F and G)
11.50-12.00 Wrap-up
Feedback session groups:
We will use breakout rooms so choose the breakout room of your group. (You need to have an updated version of zoom to be able to select breakout rooms, but if you cannot we will move you).
Group A/1
Raquel (F1S1), Susmita (F2S2), Jon (F3S3), Tyanyi (F4S4) - Advisors: Åsa, Markus, Anna, Erik
Group B/2
Feride (F1S1), Hugo (F2S2), Julia (F3S3), Susanne (F4S4) - AdvisorsAdvisors: Rui, Nikolay (S1-3), Louella (S2-4)
Group C/3
Itzel (F1S1), Jonna Katja S (F2S2), Viktor (F3S3), Katja Jonna (F4S4) - AdvisorsAdvisors: Jakub, Vincent, Ashfaq (S1-2), (Louella F1S1), (Julie F4?S4)
Group D/4
Marika (F1S1), Isabelle (F2S2), Jamirah (F3S3), Kajsa (F4S4) - Advisors: Bengt, Sebastian, Mun-Gwan, Bengt (S1-2), (Ashfaq F4S4), Diana (S4)
Group E/5
Edana (F1S1), Linnea (F2S2), Zacchary (F3S3), Marianne (F4S4) - Advisors: Verena, Tom, Marcin, (Nikolay F4S4)
Group F F/6
Matt (F1S1), Katharina (F2S2), David (F3S3) - Advisors: Tomas, Julie, Estelle
Group G/7
Katja K (F1S1), Renaud (F2S2), Kevin (F3S3) Advisors: John, Lokesh
PIs join the group of their PhD student!