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The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program
Grand meeting, 2021 (May 10-11



Practical notes

Preliminary schedule

Monday, May



09.00-09.10     Welcome and introduction (Anna & Diana)

09.10-09.40     Short student presentation (


ca 2 min each)

                          Raquel, Susmita, Feride, Hugo, Itzel,  Katja S, Marika, Isabelle, Edana, Linnea, Matt, Katharina, Katja K, Renaud

09.50-10.50      Feedback session 1  (S1)



  Feedback session 2 (S2)

13.00-15.00      Topic: Reproducible Research (Erik Fasterius, Verena Kutschera, John Sundh

                           Learn more in the course "Tools for reproducible research"!





View file

Tuesday, May



09.00-09.05    Info from SBW2021



 Short student presentations (ca 2 min)

                          Jon, Tyanyi, Julia, Susanne, Viktor, Jamirah, Kajsa, Zachary, Marianne, David, Kevin

09.40-10.40    Feedback sessions 3 (S3)



 Feedback sessions 4 (S4), or time for additional questions in groups F and G

11.50-12.00      Wrap-up


Feedback session groups:

Our aim is to form groups of 3-4 students based on research topics. Students, advisors and PIs participate in the discussion in these groups.

We will use breakout rooms so


choose the breakout room of your group. (You need to have an updated version of zoom to be able to select breakout rooms, but if you cannot we will move you).






Group A/1

Raquel (S1), Susmita (S2), Jon (S3), Tyanyi (S4) -         Advisors: Åsa, Markus, Anna, Erik

Group B/2

Feride (S1), Hugo (S2), Julia (S3), Susanne (S4) -          Advisors: Rui, Nikolay (S1-3), Louella (S2-4)

Group C/3

Itzel (S1), Katja S (S2), Viktor (S3), Jonna (S4) -              Advisors: Jakub, Vincent, Ashfaq (S1-2), (Louella S1), (Julie S4)

Group D/4

Marika (S1), Isabelle (S2), Jamirah (S3), Kajsa (S4) -     Advisors: Sebastian, Mun-Gwan, Bengt (S1-2), (Ashfaq S4), Diana (S4)

Group E/5

Edana (S1), Linnea (S2), Zacchary (S3), Marianne (S4) - Advisors: Verena, Tom, Marcin, (Nikolay S4)

Group F/6

Matt (S1), Katharina (S2), David (S3) -                               Advisors: Tomas, Julie, Estelle

Group G/7

Katja K (S1), Renaud (S2), Kevin (S3)                                  Advisors: John, Lokesh

PIs join the group of their PhD student!

Advisors in parentheses will be in this group for one session.



PhD students:

  • Student presentations - ca 2 min each
    • Quick introduction of your research topic in one slide
    • Nice if you include photos of you, your supervisor and advisor
    • Be prepared to email this slide
    2 days
    • , preferably in .pdf, before the meeting (
    • latest 7/
    • 5)
  • All students for the Feedback session: 

Each PhD student will get a 1 h feedback session on her/his project, in small groups (3-4


students per group).

You should prepare material/slides with an introduction to your project and some discussion points, maybe there is something that you need help with or input on. 

PhD supervisors and advisors

You don’t need to prepare anything, but we encourage you to participate actively in the discussions and create an encouraging atmosphere to support the PhD students, and create valuable connections.


Please register your participation in the google sheet below at the latest April 29


Add ‘1'


for each session column that you are joining, or ‘0’ if you are not joining. Please put a '0' in every column if you are not joining so that we know that you are not able to make it. (All text in the sheet is immediately saved, you don’t need to press any 'save' button). 

Please treat the registration as binding after


the deadline as this is used to create the groups and late changes will cause us substantial extra work.