The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program
Grand meeting 2, 2016 (Dec 5-6)
For the PhD students
For the PhD supervisors and advisors
Practical notes
- The meeting will be at SciLifeLab Uppsala: BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala, entrance C11, Navet (E10), ground floor (see map)
- All meals in the schedule are included for free, other meals are covered and organised by the participants.
- Travel and accomodation is payed and organised by the participants.
- There will be a 20-30 min walk down to the city for dinner on Monday, so bring appropriate clothing
- Phone number (Björn Nystedt) 073-4026231
Monday, Dec 5
Room: E10:1308/09
09:30-10.00 Registration, coffee and sandwiches
10.00-10.15 Welcome (Björn)
10.15-11.45 Project status. 10 min sharp by each PhD student.
13.00-15.00 Project feedback sessions.
15.00-15.15 Coffee
15.15-16.15 Project feedback sessions.
16.15-17.30 CompetitionSocial event
17.45- Dinner
Tuesday, Dec 6
Room: E10:1308/09
09.00-09.15 Intro (Björn)
09.15-10.15 Mini Journal Club, in small groups
10.15-10.45 Coffee
10.45 - 12.00 TBA
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-13.30 Summary and end of meeting