Which paper are we discussing?
Who is presenting?
Hi everyone, on Monday the 13-th of May at 1 pm I will present the "How can evolution learn?" paper, please see uploaded above. This paper is to my knowledge one of only a few attempts to understand Evolution from the point of view of Learning theory and Artificial Intelligence. I will not concentrate entirely on the paper but use it as an invitation for discussion on whether it is worth it and how to bring modern Data Science analytical techniques to Evolutionary Science. The presentation on Monday will be a compilation of my thoughts inspired by discussions with Verena Kutschera and Charlie Cornwallis from Lund University who were eager to implement Machine and Deep Learning to address problems in Evolutionary Biology. I will also share my impression from participating at the Ancient DNA EMBL symposium in Heidelberg in April this year where I got numerous ideas on applying Deep Learning to problems from Human Evolution research.
Here is my preliminary Jupyter notebook for Monday HowCanEvolutionLearn.html
You can also check out my Medium post about Deep Learning on Ancient DNA: https://medium.com/p/deep-learning-on-ancient-dna-df042dc3c73d?source=email-8570b484f56c--writer.postDistributed&sk=2ba9fa9810175e860cd538f3443ea08a