Versions Compared


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600 MHz 1


Bruker Avance III HD 3 channels


5 mm QCI cryoprobe (1H &31P/13C/15N), 0 °C to + 80 °C

Other accessories

SampleJet Changer, temperature control, 5x96 samples och 30 spinner positions


600 MHz 2


Bruker Avance III HD 3 channels


  • 5 mm ”SmartProbe” (BB/1H)
  • 4 mm (X/1H) HR MAS probe
  • 4 mm (1H-19F)/(15N-31P) CP MAS probe

Other accesories:

SampleChanger , 120 individual samples



Service to academic groups and companies:

  • Natural products  (carbohydrates, lipids, secondary metabolites)
  • Small molecules 
  • Metabolomics 
  • Proteins 

Examples of companies (can include service and/or project collaboration): Galderma, Novavax, Recipharm, RenFuel, Ultupharma, Aprea, QuiPEG Pharmaceuticals, …

Examples of academic groups would be available from publications lists



Competence and personell

Dr. Peter Agback: ~ 30 years of experience with NMR of proteins and of DNA/RNA.

Dr. Tatiana Agback: ~ 35 years of experience with NMR of proteins and of DNA/RNA

Prof. Ander Broberg; ~ 25 years of experience with NMR of secondary metabolites

Ass Prof. Ali Moazzami: ~20 years of experience of metabolomics NMR and analysis of metabolomics data (statistic/biochemistry)

Ass. lecturer Gustav Nestor: ~10 years of experience of NMR of carbohydrates and carbohydrate-protein interactions

Prof. Corine Sandström: ~30 years of experience with NMR of small molecules and carbohydrates


Personnel that would be available in the present VR call: Service in metabolomics:

Peter Agback, 50% time paid for user support

Assist Prof Ali Moazzami, 75% time paid for user support

Dr. Hanna Eriksson Röhnisch, 50% time paid for user support

Financial contribution of the university:

Instruments purchase, part of the running costs and service covered by faculty funding. Part of salary of the researcher of the metabolomics platform covered by SLU.

Financial contribution to SwedNMR after discussion with NJ-faculty and with the Vice-chancellor:

NJ-Fakultet stödjer deltagande och kommer med 2 MSEK/år som medfinansiering

