500 MHz, Oxford magnet
Bruker Avance Neo 4 channels
- 5mm TXO cryoprobe (CRPHe TR-13C/15N/1H 5mm-Z)
- -40 - +80 C
- Sensitivity 1H 3600:1, 13C 2116:1
Other accessories
Cooled SampleChanger, 24 individual samples
Prof. Mate Erdelyi: ~20 years of experince experience with NMR, including small molecules, natural products, ensembles, paramagnetic NMR, protein-ligand interactionsAssist. Prof. Chi Celestine: ~10 years of experience with protein NMR
Personnel available for service:
Prof Adolf Gogoll, 25% time paid for user supportAssist Prof Chi Celestine, 40%
Dr. Ruisheng Xiong, 100% time paid for user support (SciLifeLab)
Financial contribution of the university:
Instrument purchase, part of the running costs, service and salaries of the user support are cpovered covered by faculty funding