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When is the meeting?

20 September 2024 at 10.00 - 11.00

Where is the meeting?

Zoom video-conference:

What is the meeting about?

Variational inference for tumor phylogeny using single cell data

Who is the responsible presenter?

Harald Melin, Royal institute of Technology (KTH), Web-page (Jens Lagergren group)

Abstract: (TBA) MCMC has long been the gold standard for Bayesian inference in classical phylogenetics, instantiated e.g. in popular softwares such as MrBayes and BEAST. This presentation focuses on an alternative Bayesian approach, Variational Inference (VI), which has made recent advances in fields of classical and tumor phylogenetics. I will give an introduction to the method and how it is applied in classical phylogeny, emphasising its strengths and limitations w.r.t. MCMC, followed by how it facilitates Bayesian inference of copy number evolution in tumors using low coverage single cell whole-genome sequencing data, based on our recent project VICTree.

Slides: (TBA after seminar)
