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When is the meeting?

16 August 2024 at 10.00 - 11.00

Where is the meeting?

Zoom video-conference:

What is the meeting about?“Machine learning techniques in BeyondFold, a Scilifelab collaboration towards a structural biology ecosystem” (tentative title, final title TBA)

The protein structure prediction problem: from Anfinsen's hypothesis to AlphaFold and beyond

Who is the responsible presenter?

Claudio Mirabello, NBIS, LiU

Abstract: (TBA) Proteins are the tools responsible for most essential functions carried in every organism, from viruses to mammals. In order to better understand the way a protein works, it is important to know its three-dimensional structure. In the past few years, new Machine Learning technologies - neural networks not too dissimilar to those powering ChatGPT - have made it possible to greatly accelerate the process of determination of protein structures by leveraging their evolutionary history. But how do these new technologies work, how did we get to build tools such as AlphaFold and what comes next?

Slides: (TBA after seminar)
